
Counter strike condition zero pc
Counter strike condition zero pc

counter strike condition zero pc

CS:CZ is a tactical action game that challenges you to compete with and against cunning computerized opponents in mission-based campaigns across the globe.Īs a squad leader in an elite counter-terrorist operative, use specialized maneuvers and weapon skills to complete over 20 brand new missions, each containing numerous objectives. Condition Zero will be firmly based on Counter-Strike, in time CS add-ons will be released which will feature CZ weapons and other extra's.Ĭounter-Strike: Condition Zero (CS:CZ) advances this award-winning series by introducing single-player action and special enhancements for online play. The multiplayer option will not be exclusive to those who actually buy the game. Some of the original, ridiculous weapons such as a Yoghurt cannon, which were dropped from Counter-Strike when Valve took over, will not be appearing now. It was never meant to be a sequel to the original but it will rather serve the purpose of a retail expansion for Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is their first stand alone game.Ĭondition Zero is not Counter-Strike 2. They have made Opposing Force and Blue Shift, both add-ons to Half-Life.

counter strike condition zero pc counter strike condition zero pc

Gearbox could be referred to as experts on creating games using the Half-Life engine. Previously, the developers at Gearbox Software have contributed to many of the most acclaimed franchises in computer entertainment - including Civilization, Duke Nukem 3d, Quake and Half-Life. Gearbox Software was founded in January of 1999 by a group of experienced 3d game artists, designers and engineers in Dallas, TX. Following various negotiations Valve decided to pass the fledgling game to Gearbox. This forced Valve Software, Half-Life developers and current Counter-Strike owner, to attempt to save the day. Desperation led them to some strange, to say the least, design decisions. The game is scheduled for a Q2(May) 2002 release.Ĭounter Strike was originally developed by Rogue, a company which at the time faced deep financial troubles. And several of the tools and technologies created in the making of CS:CZ will be released to the MOD community after launch In the collaborative spirit of CS, Gearbox and Valve tapped the creative talents of mapmakers and technology designers in the CS community. It has sold over 1 million copies worldwide, been named Game of the Year by several gaming publications, and is the headliner at competitive gaming tournaments around the world.Ĭounter-Strike: Condition Zero is a co-production by Gearbox and Valve. After a one-year public Beta, Counter-Strike was commercially released in Fall 2000. Counter-Strike is the number 1 online action game in the world.

Counter strike condition zero pc